Tomorrow I'm headed back to the doctor to just meet, kind of regroup and find out where do we go from here. I have so many questions that I feel like I need to write them down and organize my thoughts so I don't forget during my appointment.
When my husband and I first met with our RE (reproductive endocrinologist) he diagnosied us with unexplained infertility. He explained to us that on our own we only have about a 4% chance of conceiving each month, that blew my mind those are not good odds. He also explained that just adding medicine to help with ovulation wouldn't up our chances, but combining medication and iui would up our chances to about 20% each month, that would at least increase our chances to that of a fertile couple. And if we were to get pregnant using iui the first 3 cycles would be our best bet after that the percentage of pregnancies decreases significantly.
This past cycle was our 2nd iui. Now I'm wondering if we count it as a success since I did get pregnant or as a failure since the pregnancy ended in miscarriage.
I have compiled a list of questions I hope to remember during my appointment:
1. Should I be concerned that I have had 2 miscarriages? (Because I am)
2. Are there tests we can run for repeat pregnancy loss (RPL)?
3. Where do we go from here?
4. Do we continue with iui? If so, how many?
5. Do you think the miscarriages could be dur to poor egg and/or sperm quality?
6. If the miscarriages were due to poor egg/sperm quality, would IVF be a better choice since the development of the embryos can be watched?
Those are my questions so far. I'll keep you updated on what I learn at my appointment. Have a great night.
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