So on to the update:
How far along: 13 weeks 5 days
Total weight gain: 4-5lbs but I'm not totally sure
Maternity clothes: No, not yet. But I have purchased a few maternity tops for the summer and a pair of shorts. I can still button most of my pants but they become uncomfortable. I have purchased a belly band for Target which I enjoy using when the button of my pants feel too tight
Stretch marks: No, not yet
Sleep: Pretty good. I think it could be a problem when I can no longer sleep on my stomach. Right now I'm waking up 1-2 times a night to use the bathroom but usually don't have a problem falling back to sleep
Best moment of the week: Getting to see my babies. It is pretty amazing how much they have grown since 9 weeks. I loved watching them stretch and move
Miss anything: A normal appetite. I love food so I would like to enjoy eating again
Movement: None. I'm really looking forward to feeling them
Symptoms: Morning sickness- all day long! I'm taking Diclegis for it which seems to help. I tired to stop taking it a few days ago with terrible results so I'll keep taking it for now!
Food cravings: I'm not really craving any foods right now. I have been enjoying fruit, yogurt, and toast. But I wouldnt consider them cravings just foods I know I can keep down
Anything making you quesy or sick: The thought of food at times but nothing specific
Have you started showing: Yes I guess. Everyone I've told this week said it was pretty obvious I was pregnant and I've had one stranger ask when my baby is due. So I guess I am.
Gender predictions: Right now I'm guessing I have a girl and a boy in there but who knows (can't wait it find out!)
Labor signs: NO!
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy and excited! I'm just looking forward to so many things
Looking forward to: My bump growing and getting bigger, eventually finding out what these sweet babies are (maybe in a couple of weeks!) and hopefully my morning sickness going away